In 2020-2021, the Austin Community College District Strategic Enrollment Committee guided ACC’s collective vision to develop a three-year comprehensive plan for new student enrollment. This plan (see below) aligns with ACC’s Strategic Plan to increase ACC enrollment to 85,000 annual students in 2030 through equity-focused connection and entry processes.
In 2021-2022, the Chancellor’s Priorities embraced the Strategic Enrollment Management focus on equity and placed it in Priority One: Reduce Equity Gaps. As Strategy 4, Increase enrollment through implementation of Strategic Enrollment Plan Strategies and Tactics, the strategies for the year are:
- Financial Support: Increase student access to financial support resources
- Market Opportunities: Increase market-penetration in key areas
- Increase Registration: Increase annual unduplicated enrollment for new students
- SEM Phase 2: Develop the Retention and Completion Component of the SEM Plan and Key Goals
To identify the measurable goals, strategies, and actions needed to increase new student enrollment over the next three years, to be a leader in equity and diversity in our region and state. ACC defines equity as creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for diverse students and community members where race, ethnicity, gender, and other human differences are no longer predictors of success.
Committee Charge
Charge: To develop a three-year comprehensive plan for new student enrollment that aligns with ACC’s Strategic Plan Goal One: Equity & Access | Increase ACC enrollment to 85,000 annual students in 2030 through equity focused connection and entry processes. ACC defines equity as creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for diverse students and community members where race, ethnicity, gender, and other human differences are no longer predictors of success.

Media & Presentations
- From the FacStaff InfoHub
- November 2021 Presentation to the Adjunct Faculty Association
- September 2021 Presentation to the Board of Trustees
- Spring 2021 Presentation to the Board of Trustees
- Fall 2020 Presentation to the Board of Trustees